This year, Imvelisi Enviropreneurs have worked on developing 30 enviropreneurs across all environmental sub-sectors in Southern Africa. We worked with a group of committed stakeholders, including GreenMatter’s partners the Young Water Professionals. Through partnerships we have managed to unlock skills for the future of the green economy and rely on our AMAZING network of green technical and business mentors who support our Enviropreneurs.
Today we would like to acknowledge our mentors, they are the lifeblood of our programmes.
Our last bootcamp has led to several businesses starting in the green economy. Three of these were the top three prize winners at our most recent bootcamp. First Prize: Christo Swart for his circular economy business. Second Prize: Sithelele Bekwa for on-site water testing for the user and Third Prize: Gantshe Molaba pet products made of recycled products.
In future we are launching our next Bootcamp before the end of this year! Please keep your eye on the Imvelisi Facebook page to keep an eye out for the Call for Applications:
Let’s build a greener future by building green businesses! Join our movement and create your financial freedom while you care for the environment.
Today we would like to acknowledge our mentors, they are the lifeblood of our programmes.
Our last bootcamp has led to several businesses starting in the green economy. Three of these were the top three prize winners at our most recent bootcamp. First Prize: Christo Swart for his circular economy business. Second Prize: Sithelele Bekwa for on-site water testing for the user and Third Prize: Gantshe Molaba pet products made of recycled products.
In future we are launching our next Bootcamp before the end of this year! Please keep your eye on the Imvelisi Facebook page to keep an eye out for the Call for Applications:
Let’s build a greener future by building green businesses! Join our movement and create your financial freedom while you care for the environment.