Imvelisi October Update
Imvelisi Enviropreneurs has partnered with the ILO United Nations PAGE (Partnership for Action towards a Green Economy) to deliver on our next bootcamp, coming up in November this year!
We have just closed our call for applications and are in the adjudication process, so we are soon to have our next cohort attending their first ever UNPAGE Imvelisi Bootcamp!
We are very grateful for the support of the UNPAGE programme and we look forward to growing with them in our efforts to build a greener economy by supporting ideation for green businesses.
We have just closed our call for applications and are in the adjudication process, so we are soon to have our next cohort attending their first ever UNPAGE Imvelisi Bootcamp!
We are very grateful for the support of the UNPAGE programme and we look forward to growing with them in our efforts to build a greener economy by supporting ideation for green businesses.
Global Entrepreneurship Week is also coming up, starting on the 8th of November! Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) will inspire people around the world through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. Celebrating those who have the courage to dream!
Join us on our journey and follow the Imvelisi Enviropreneurs Facebook Page.